The four fundamental pillars of Digital JUMP!

Los 4 pilares fundamentales
Luciano Tirelli at Digital Jump

Author: Luciano

CEO at Digital JUMP

There are characteristics that many agencies share: Dynamism, creativity, commitment, suitability, etc., are essential to provide good service and be competitive in the market. We do not want to delve into them at this time.

In this note we want to share with you, instead, the 4 fundamental pillars that differentiate us from the rest, the unique points that we select to describe our way of doing things at Digital JUMP.

Are you interested? Come on:

1 – We are results-oriented.

We identify the needs, establish the objectives and build the indicators to follow in order to achieve them. We monitor and optimize the variables, because we know that this translates into tangible results.

We are ambitious with our goals, we do not hesitate to review and rethink strategies until we find the formula that leads us to success. We measure, learn and evolve.

For us, marketing is an investment and as such it has to generate a return. Therefore, we focus on developing strategies that are designed to achieve the objectives of our partners*.

*Partner: this is what we call our clients. We understand that their growth goes hand in hand with ours. We accompany you in this process. We know that the only way to achieve the proposed objectives is by achieving a complete understanding of our clients’ business and assuming their challenges as our own.

2- We focus on the user.

We believe that the power of a company lies in its ability to generate good experiences for its users. We work with a special focus on correctly identifying the target audience, understanding their characteristics and improving their experiences with the brand. In this way, we enhance their positioning to achieve the desired results.

From your own business you have a personal, internal vision of what it is like, how you want it to be. But, sometimes users have a different experience and it is difficult to see it from the inside. These differences in criteria limit us and prevent growth.

At Digital JUMP we do the constant professional exercise of positioning ourselves on both sides of the counter. We try to understand from the user experience, what the potential buyer values, what motivations guide them and how they perceive the brand and its products. This point of view is a fundamental value for building valuable, long-term relationships with a brand’s customers.

3- We work with a strategic mentality.

We analyze each investment under a 360° view of each client’s business model, with the focus on maximizing the return obtained. We design communication strategies that achieve real results and integrate organically into the organizational structures of companies.

We do not apply recipes that are already written nor do we suggest magical remedies. Each company has a particular reality and finding the precise solution to problems requires a broad understanding of the context in which it operates.

4- We are guided by processes.

We use planned and optimized processes to make the use of the resources involved more efficient. In this way, we can advance tasks within the agreed times, giving predictability and control to the client.

We are a methodical agency. We follow steps established based on previous experiences, which guarantee optimizing times and improving the probability of success. Our processes are standardized and designed to maximize the efficiency and quality of our work.

The pillars are the elements that support something, they are the structure that supports and gives shape. But they are at the same time the fundamental and indispensable basis of growth, without which nothing exists. For us, these four points are our declaration of principles, a manual for doing and being, our daily commitment. It’s what we believe in. We are happy to share them with you. If you want to know more about any of them or want to use them for something, we will be happy. The more we believe in them, the better.

As always, if you are looking for a marketing agency to guide you in the process of achieving your goals, do not hesitate to contact us.